
What is a fanlisting? A Fanlisting is a listing of Fans. It's a place where all the fans of a certain subject come together from all over the world. As in have themselves listed on a website together with other fans of said subject. This is a fanlisting for the German movie Bandits. Learn more about fanlistings at theFanListings.org.

Bandits was first released in 1997. It was directed by Katja von Garnier and was a huge success in Germany. Bandits tells the story of a group of four women who meet in prison and form a band. They see their chance to run when they're supposed to play at the annual Police Ball. They take off and the chase begins. Read more.

The layout was made with PSP7 and based on an image from Bandits-Movie.de. The codes were made with images from the same website and Katja-von-Garnier.de using PSP7 and MS Paint.

The owner of this fanlisting can be contacted by writing an email to JellowCat@web.de. Anie, 25, from Germany, loves music and the movies, is obsessed with nature, loves animals, student of Cultural Sciences in Frankfurt/Oder (that's in East Germany on the Polish border!), more.